Best thread I have read so far
Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu
JoinedPosts by Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu
Jehovah's Witnesses and Calvinistic Predestination
by AllTimeJeff inthis is a complex question, and i just want to get a discussion started on the message of jehovah's witnesses and how it relates to their adventist roots, and esp calvinism.. bear with me, i will try to be concise.. we all know that while jehovah's witnesses like to deny adventist roots, that it is clear that according to them, the man jesus selected to get the whole thing started, c t russell, was heavily influenced by adventist ideas, esp the (adventist) idea that has really never left them; the idea that somehow, a time date or period can be inferred from the bible if you read certain scriptures through an adventist lens.
(thus, the 2520 years, 7 gentile times, etc.).
so while this is relatively well known, there is a concept that jehovah's witnesses teach against, yet practice.
What did President Trump say about Sweden?
by kpop inthis you will never see on the mainstream media.
before you comment watch the whole video.
Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu
Good point, but this news coverage is also very biased of course. But that in itself does not mean they have no point.
Too much tolerance will inevitably lead to the disappearance of tolerance. No honest person can deny that.
You can compare it with the situation of democracy around the world. Democracy can only survive if there are certain superpowers, like the USA, that are willing to use their military power to enforce and protect the rights that people have around the world. Without these forces, democracy would be endangered.
Just as our democracy, we need to protect the existence of tolerance and control it.
If tolerance will get too much, it will eventually lead to a situation in which tolerance no longer exists.
So, the amazing tolerance of countries like Sweden in accepting everybody in their country without limits of how many they let in, will in the end destroy the values that make us want to import these migrants in the first place. -
Incredible document on the Watchtower and cognitive dissonance
by sabastious ini recieved an awesome document in my youtube messages yesterday.
the person giving it told me it was the best description of the experience he had went through which involved entering and exiting the watchtower over the course of only a few years.. .
written by jamie boyden [<--not sabastious] sunday, 08 february 2009 14:19. .
Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu
Very nice opening post
February 13, 2017 BOE Re: Memorial and Special Talk
by wifibandit infebruary 13, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: memorial and special talk.
Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu
"As you meet with inactive ones, please convey the love and concern of the Governing Body"
Wow! another great loving provision! Clearly Jehovah's direction.
What is their arrangement for people that are not disfellowshipped but that are unofficially shunned?
Does Paul preach a fundamentally different religion than Jesus?
by Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu incontroversy has arisen regarding jesus versus paul as scholars debate the different emphases and messages of jesus and paul.1 jesus preached the kingdom of heaven.
paul did not.
paul preached justification by faith alone.
Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu
Controversy has arisen regarding Jesus versus Paul as scholars debate the different emphases and messages of Jesus and Paul.1 Jesus preached the kingdom of heaven. Paul did not. Paul preached justification by faith alone. Jesus did not. What are we to make of this? Can the two be reconciled? The answer depends on what is meant by reconciliation.
"Let us be clear from the outset. The messages of Jesus and Paul were fundamentally different. Reconciliation of their messages cannot be done by harmonization. This is a fact we must accept. No one is helped by attempts to lessen the differences by declaring that the gospel is a salvation story for both Jesus and Paul. The differences remain. No benefit comes from theological gibberish that the gospel is the kingdom and the kingdom is the gospel. No light comes from attempts to show that Paul “betrayed” Jesus or “perverted” His message.
No benefit comes from those who maintain Jesus and Paul contradicted or disagreed with one another. Such offerings of strange fire move us further from the text and sound theology. Instead, we must seek a biblical understanding of the Scriptures for reconciliation."
I read this, and have not yet done much research about this topic, but I think this is interesting.
the question to all is:
Does Paul preach a fundamentally different religion than Jesus?
I never really thought about that
The Fundamental difference between Islam and Christianity
by ILoveTTATT2 inever since i came out of the witnesses, i've become very political.. i've heard lots of arguments back and forth for many things.. in the u.s. there is the argument that it is "racist" to want to deny entry to muslims.
while there is freedom of religion, there is also the very valid concern of maintaining democracy and a justice system that is based on modern values.we as exjw's constantly quote the pew center for statistics on jw's such as: they are last place in the us for members of a religion that go to university, and second-last for poverty levels of members of a religion.
we accept those statistics and mention them as proof of how damaging the jw's, let's use the same center for some very scary statistics on islam:
The Fundamental difference between Islam and Christianity
by ILoveTTATT2 inever since i came out of the witnesses, i've become very political.. i've heard lots of arguments back and forth for many things.. in the u.s. there is the argument that it is "racist" to want to deny entry to muslims.
while there is freedom of religion, there is also the very valid concern of maintaining democracy and a justice system that is based on modern values.we as exjw's constantly quote the pew center for statistics on jw's such as: they are last place in the us for members of a religion that go to university, and second-last for poverty levels of members of a religion.
we accept those statistics and mention them as proof of how damaging the jw's, let's use the same center for some very scary statistics on islam:
Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu
you will indeed not hear muslims talking about wanting sharia to be implemented
you might look up Taqiya. This is an islamic term that allows muslims to lie when it benefits Islam. They can say they do not want to have sharia but this does not mean that this is what they really think. Their thinking is controlled by Islam.
- "Taqiyya is of fundamental importance in Islam. Practically every Islamic sect agrees to it and practices it. We can go so far as to say that the practice of taqiyya is mainstream in Islam, and that those few sects not practicing it diverge from the mainstream...Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era."
- It will go on like this for maybe many more years, and when muslims are the majority, they DO impose sharia law. No problems in Britain? I don't know, don't live there, but there are already examples of cities like Malmo in Sweden and neighbourhoods in Brussel (molenbeek) or in The Hague (schilderswijk) where police can't come and where daily life is being influenced by sharia law
The Fundamental difference between Islam and Christianity
by ILoveTTATT2 inever since i came out of the witnesses, i've become very political.. i've heard lots of arguments back and forth for many things.. in the u.s. there is the argument that it is "racist" to want to deny entry to muslims.
while there is freedom of religion, there is also the very valid concern of maintaining democracy and a justice system that is based on modern values.we as exjw's constantly quote the pew center for statistics on jw's such as: they are last place in the us for members of a religion that go to university, and second-last for poverty levels of members of a religion.
we accept those statistics and mention them as proof of how damaging the jw's, let's use the same center for some very scary statistics on islam:
Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu
Rainbow, yes I agree with you, many aspects within Islam contradict one another. I would like to comment on the things you said.
All of this presumes that the hadith are accurate records of Muhammad's words and deeds. But how could they be?
Here is where faith comes into play. This is the core of their whole religion. It cannot be removed. Compare this, I replaced some words.
All of this presumes that the Gospel accounts are accurate records of Jesus' words and deeds. But how could they be?
Is this not very much the same reasoning? This is called faith. A Christian will never say, ''well, we don't know if these accounts are really trustworthy, so let's forget the things Jesus said.'' And if they would do that, then they can no longer be Christians. Likewise, no Muslim will be willing to deny the words of their prophet. The ones that do, are not changing the religion, but making a complete new one. They are no longer Muslim.
But more importantly, as you pointed out, much of the hadith directly contradicts the Qur'an. The Qur'an is supposed to be the word of God, while the hadith are only the words of a man named Muhammad (maybe). If one conflicts with the other, which should a true Muslim obey?
Again, I would like to make a comparison, I change some words
For JW's:
Much of the Watchtower directly contradicts the Bible. The Bible is supposed to be the word of God, while the Watchtower are only the words of an organisation. If one conflicts with the other, which should a true JW obey?
Answer: JW's should obey the watchtower
For Mormons:
Much of the Book of Mormon directly contradicts the Bible. The Bible is supposed to be the word of God, while the Book of Mormon are only the words of a man named Joseph Smith If one conflicts with the other, which should a true Mormon obey?
Answer: Mormons should obey the Book of Mormon.
Examples for each one of them:
Watchtower says: We should shun apostates, whereas the Bible does not teach this. Which side do they choose? Watchtower!
Book of Mormon says: drinking alcohol is forbidden, whereas the Bible does not teach this. Which side to they choose? The Book of Mormon!
And now what this discussion is about, the Muslims:
Hadith says: kill apostates! The Quran does not (explicitly) teach this. Which side do they choose?
The Hadith!
I can completely agree with you that Muslims should not follow Hadith, but also do I say that I think JW's should not follow Watchtower and Mormons should not follow the Book of Mormon.
But what happens if a JW's rejects the watchtower? Is he just changing the religion or making a complete new one? The same with mormons. If they reject the Book of Mormon, it creates a whole new religion.
Likewise, if these Quranists reject the Hadith, they are not just changing Islam, but they are creating a new religion that is in no way how Islam really is.
Can a JW still be called a JW if he no longer follows the Watchtower? No.
Can a Mormon still be called a Mormon if he no longer follows the Book of Mormon? No.
Which brings us to the most important question.
Can a Muslim still be called a Muslim if he no longer follows the Hadith?
I leave this question open. I am interested in what you would answer there.
The Fundamental difference between Islam and Christianity
by ILoveTTATT2 inever since i came out of the witnesses, i've become very political.. i've heard lots of arguments back and forth for many things.. in the u.s. there is the argument that it is "racist" to want to deny entry to muslims.
while there is freedom of religion, there is also the very valid concern of maintaining democracy and a justice system that is based on modern values.we as exjw's constantly quote the pew center for statistics on jw's such as: they are last place in the us for members of a religion that go to university, and second-last for poverty levels of members of a religion.
we accept those statistics and mention them as proof of how damaging the jw's, let's use the same center for some very scary statistics on islam:
Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu
Rainbow, about the Quranists, this is really controversial. You say, they return to the Quran alone. This makes them non-muslims, because Muslims need to follow the prophet Mohammed.
The aya also mentioned in my last post
Surah 4:80
He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah ; but those who turn away - We have not sent you over them as a guardian.If they turn away from the things their messenger said, then they will be rejected by all other Muslims. From my own non-Muslim point of view, I cannot really view them as Muslims if they don't listen to Mohammed.
Rainbow you also say
An Islam based on the Koran would at least respect the right of other religions to exist and it would end the death penalty for every offense save murder
The thing I would like to say about this, is: an Islam based on the Quran alone is no longer Islam. You cannot simply say, we now reject the scriptures about our prophet. The scriptures are there, and form an essential part of Islam.
The Fundamental difference between Islam and Christianity
by ILoveTTATT2 inever since i came out of the witnesses, i've become very political.. i've heard lots of arguments back and forth for many things.. in the u.s. there is the argument that it is "racist" to want to deny entry to muslims.
while there is freedom of religion, there is also the very valid concern of maintaining democracy and a justice system that is based on modern values.we as exjw's constantly quote the pew center for statistics on jw's such as: they are last place in the us for members of a religion that go to university, and second-last for poverty levels of members of a religion.
we accept those statistics and mention them as proof of how damaging the jw's, let's use the same center for some very scary statistics on islam:
Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu
In addition to my first post. Here Some quran verses that say you can choose your own religion, and after that some from Haddith that forbids that practice. Haddith is made superior here to Quran
Surah 2:256
There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.Surah 18:29
And say, "The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieveSurah 109:6
For you is your religion, and for me is my religionThese were the Quran verses, now HADITH
The most reliable Hadith collection contain numerous accounts of Muhammad and his companions putting people to death for leaving Islam. According to verse 4:80 of the Quran: "Those who obey the Messenger obey Allah."
Sahih Bukhari (52:260) - "...The Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' "
Sahih Bukhari (83:37) - "Allah's Apostle never killed anyone except in one of the following three situations: (1) A person who killed somebody unjustly, was killed (in Qisas,) (2) a married person who committed illegal sexual intercourse and (3) a man who fought against Allah and His Apostle and deserted Islam and became an apostate."
Sahih Bukhari (84:57) - [In the words of] "Allah's Apostle, 'Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.'"
Sahih Bukhari (89:271) - A man who embraces Islam, then reverts to Judaism is to be killed according to "the verdict of Allah and his apostle."
Sahih Bukhari (84:58) - "There was a fettered man beside Abu Muisa. Mu'adh asked, 'Who is this (man)?' Abu Muisa said, 'He was a Jew and became a Muslim and then reverted back to Judaism.' Then Abu Muisa requested Mu'adh to sit down but Mu'adh said, 'I will not sit down till he has been killed. This is the judgment of Allah and His Apostle (for such cases) and repeated it thrice.' Then Abu Musa ordered that the man be killed, and he was killed. Abu Musa added, 'Then we discussed the night prayers'"
Sahih Bukhari (84:64-65) - "Allah's Apostle: 'During the last days there will appear some young foolish people who will say the best words but their faith will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will have no faith) and will go out from (leave) their religion as an arrow goes out of the game. So, wherever you find them, kill them, for whoever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection.'" This verse from the Hadith is worse than it appears because it isn't speaking solely of apostates, but those who say they believe but don't put their religion into practice.
Sahih Bukhari (11:626) - "The Prophet said, 'No prayer is harder for the hypocrites than the Fajr and the 'Isha' prayers and if they knew the reward for these prayers at their respective times, they would certainly present themselves (in the mosques) even if they had to crawl.' The Prophet added, 'Certainly I decided to order the Mu'adh-dhin (call-maker) to pronounce Iqama and order a man to lead the prayer and then take a fire flame to burn all those who had not left their houses so far for the prayer along with their houses'."
Abu Dawud (4346) - "Was not there a wise man among you who would stand up to him when he saw that I had withheld my hand from accepting his allegiance, and kill him?" Muhammad is chastising his companions for allowing an apostate to "repent" under duress. (The person in question was Muhammad's former scribe, who left him after doubting the authenticity of divine "revelations" - upon finding out that grammatical changes could be made. He was brought back to Muhammad after having been captured in Medina).
al-Muwatta of Imam Malik (36.18.15) - "The Messenger of Allah said, "If someone changes his religion - then strike off his head."
Reliance of the Traveller (Islamic Law) o8.1 - "When a person who has reached puberty and is sane voluntarily apostatizes from Islam, he deserves to be killed." (o8.4 affirms that there is no penalty for killing an apostate).So if you have debates with Muslims about their freedom to change their religion, they will probably show you the Quran verses, but what it is really all about is the Haddith here. It clearly is forbidden for them, no matter how they say or quote things